What Is The Connection Between Antibiotics and Onset Of IBS

Antibiotics are typically prescribed as a cure for many conditions because they kill bacteria infections that cause disease.   Unfortunately, antibiotics do not target only bacterial infections. Antibiotics also destroy the good bacteria in the gut. Therefore, it is not unusual for the onset of IBS to follow antibiotic treatment.

Antibiotics for IBSThe good bacteria is called the Microbiome. Scientific research shows that diversity of the microbiome is critical for good health and preventing diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The research is also very clear that the diversity of the microbiome is critical for intestinal function and curing IBS.

If you have a history of antibiotic treatment for any reason you should regularly eat fermented foods and fiber that promotes the growth of the microbiome, or good bacteria in the gut. Supplementation with probiotics is also important.

What Are Flavonoids And Are They Effective For IBS Relief

Flavonoids are the chemicals in plants that give them yellow, red or blue color or pigmentation. Flavonoids are in many foods and are an important part of the medicinal qualities of food. Flavonoids are well-known to be anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-viral, and anti-carcinogenic. They are powerful antioxidants.

Flavonoids for Irritable Bowel Syndrome HelpFoods With High Amounts of Flavonoids

Foods that contain high amounts of flavonoids are: citrus fruits, red grapes, berries, onions, parsley, and beans. They are found in medicinal herbs such as green tea and St Johns Wort.

Gastrointestinal Inflammation

As we know gastrointestinal inflammation causes may of the symptoms of IBS such as stomach cramping, excessive gas and bloating. They reduce such inflammations. Calming intestinal inflammation will also reduce diarrhea and constipation. Quercetin, a flavonoid in onions and the herb St Johns Wort inhibits the release of  histamine which is commonly elevated in IBS. People with irritable bowel should regularly consume foods and fruits that contain high amounts of flavonoids.

Best Treatments to Stop Cramps and Stomach Pain From IBS

You may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or it may be affecting someone you know. You may have been told that IBS is something that you will have to live with, its just you – the way your body works; its your genetics. Well, you probably don’t believe that explanation. You know that drugs only suppress symptoms or possibly you are searching for natural solutions. By understanding how the digestive system functions normally, you will have the knowledge to effectively use natural treatments.

The digestive system is a complex of organs with multiple functions:

  • Digestion – the breaking down of food into its basic nutrients.
  • Absorption – the taking up of necessary and specific nutrients into the body. It is a barrier that prevents unwanted substances and infections from getting into the body.
  • Immunity – essentially a warning system that tests and prepares antibodies that act against foreign particles like viruses, bacteria, and other parasites.
  • Biotransformation – which means taking a toxic substance and making it water soluble so it may be eliminated from the body.
  •  Elimination of Waste Products of Metabolism and Toxins.

 The Digestive System

The digestive system can be broken down into three areas: upper, middle, and lower.

1. In the upper section of the digestive tract, there is the mouth and esophagus. In the mouth, teeth begin the process of digestion by crushing food. Saliva is secreted containing an enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, and the tongue mixes the food with saliva before sending the food down the esophagus. The esophagus is a tube that prevents food or water from entering the body. But, much more is happening. While you are chewing and mixing, your nervous system sends a signal to the stomach to start make hydrochloric acid, a very strong acid.

2. The middle section has multiple organs: the stomach, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Once the softened food travels down the esophagus, it enters the stomach. While the lining of the stomach continues to secrete an acid, the stomach squeezes and churns the food so the acid continues to break down protein into smaller strands called polypeptides. Again, no food or water will enter the body in this middle section.

This liquid slurry of partially digested food is squirted into the small intestine, and it is here that some very interesting biochemistry takes place. The acid in the slurry stimulates the pancreas to release more digestive enzymes to further digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The pancreas also releases hormones that stimulate the gallbladder to squeeze its contents, called bile, into and mix with the food slurry.

Bile is a substance that is produced by the liver and contains the the by-products of biotransformation. This is a biochemical process that occurs predominantly in the liver. Bile is like a soap and breaks-down fat molecules so they may be absorbed. The acidic slurry also stimulates a hormone in the intestine that is secreted into the blood, travels back to the stomach and like a switch, turns-off the production of acid in the stomach.

All functions of the digestive system except biotransformation take place in the lower area of the digestive system where there two major organs.

The Small Intestines and the Large Intestines

Irritable Bowel RemediesOnce food is completely digested in the small intestine. The amino acids, simple sugars, fats, minerals, and vitamins are allowed to be absorbed into the body through the barrier. Unless there is a breach in the barrier, only those nutrients are absorbed. As the slurry continues through the large intestine, water is reabsorbed into the body as the stool is formed and ultimately eliminated through the anus.

Lining the small intestine is a protective layer of mucous that contains trillions of bacteria cells. These bacteria provide nutritional and immune support. It is estimated that there are 10 times more bacterial cells in the intestines than the entire human body. Some of these bacteria are replenished with food, but the majority of the bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they can’t survive in an oxygen environment. The anaerobic bacteria originate in the intestines when they are passed at birth from the mother and are cultivated and grown as we age. These anaerobic bacteria are not replaced with food and are depleted with stress, toxins, drugs and antibiotics.

Also lining the length of the small intestine are tiny glands called Peyers Patches. These glands are the guardians of the immune system constantly testing the digestive system for viruses, bacteria and parasites. They make antibodies that amplify the immune system when foreign substances breach the barrier.

The Autonomic Nervous System is the way the Digestive system communicates with its environment. When the nervous system perceives stress whether imaginary or real, emotional or physiological, it turns on the sympathetic nerves.

When these nerves are firing, all three sections of the digestive system stop functioning. For this reason, it is so critical for healing irritable bowel syndrome to monitor and alleviate stress from whatever source.

The natural solutions and treatments for IBS are five interconnected strategies:

Natural Remedies for Irritable BowelRemove the obstacles: While there are numerous broad categories of obstacles to healing IBS including several that are very common:

  • Emotional trauma and conflicts,
  • Infections,
  • Food allergies and sensitivities,
  • Quality of Diet (such as when the diet is too Acidic and contains too much Protein),
  • Hormone imbalance, particularly Cortisol since it stimulates the previously mentioned sympathetic nervous system thereby reducing levels of stomach acid and enzymes while slowing or stopping motility,
  • Toxins (pesticides/herbicides, organic pollutants, food coloring and preservatives in food and water, antibiotics).

It may be necessary perhaps for a relatively short period of time to replace digestive enzymes and stomach acid until the digestive system is back in balance.

3. Probiotics: While adding fiber and probiotics to cultivate beneficial bacteria, repairing the gut provides nutritional support for regenerating the barrier function.

Finally, it is very important to identify and change negative patterns of emotional stress with positive thoughts and affirmations. Negative mental patterns contribute to a catabolic or breakdown metabolism while positive thoughts shift the metabolism to one that is anabolic and rebuilding.

CAM Wellness Institute – Irritable Bowel Solutions

Knowledge is empowering, and it is our mission at CAM Wellness to provide you with natural solutions and treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Please sign up for our periodic emails that will provide you with new research and solutions. Also, follow us on social media where you will find new blog posts and interview with other CAM practitioners. CAM Wellness Institute is located in Fairfield County Connecticut 1 hour from New York City.

Colon Spasms: Symptoms and Causes

relief from abdominal pain

Image courtesy of Ohmega1982 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Are colon spasms causing you trouble on a daily basis? You might be suffering from a spastic colon if you experience any of the following:

  • Gurgles and stomach cramps that have you doubled over with no apparent relief in sight.
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom – so much so that you’re ready to move the phone and TV in just to keep you company.
  • Painful bowel movements that leave you grimacing and beading with sweat at just the thought of them.

If these terrible symptoms disrupt your daily lifestyle, then you’re probably ready to stop planning your entire day around how close you are at any given moment to a bathroom. These spasms are caused by spontaneous or involuntary muscle contractions within the colon. It is a condition often associated and caused by IBS or irritable bowel syndrome.

For years, doctors called this disorder spastic colon with good reason. An out-of-control gastrointestinal system and colon can really wreak havoc with your life. But if you’re reading this post now, you’re more than likely tired of asking why does my stomach hurt and are ready to move on to a solution to frequent stomach pains, cramps and loose bowels.

What Causes Colon Spasms

In many cases, colon and stomach spasms are triggered by simple stress and/or eating high-fat meals. Conditions such as Crohn’s disease, constipation and ulcerative colitis may also create colon spasms; however, irritable bowel disorders are frequently the most cited cause of these symptoms.

Help for Colon and Intestinal Issues

For many sufferers of bowel disorders, modifications to diet and lifestyle can be particularly helpful. Avoiding dairy and/or caffeine while adding fresh foods and veggies are excellent first steps to preventing symptoms from happening in the first place. Each person is different so for most, there is no one set diet that will work for all. Instead, each sufferer must use trial and error with the foods they choose in order to determine which ones trigger issues. A daily food journal will help you to document what you eat on a daily basis so that you can pinpoint what might be causing symptoms.

To relieve stress, many people have good results with relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation and exercise.

When the Pain is Too Much

Inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s cause extreme pain that can even become life-threatening if not treated. With these diseases, medical attention and prescription medication may be necessary in addition to diet changes.

Irritable bowel syndrome treatments include diet and exercise changes. Homeopathic dietary supplements such as those in our Reverse IBS 30 day program can help you get the relief you need from colon spasms, abdominal pain and loose bowel movements associated with the disorder. Learn more by visiting Dr. Gruber’s video guide here.

Health Benefits of Curcumin: Get Rid of IBS Symptoms Fast

Reverse IBS with CurcuminMedical studies and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome continue to show promise. If clinical trials and research findings are correct, there’s definite help out there for IBS problems. But rather than looking in your medicine chest for the cure, you’ll be surprised to learn that you just might find it in your pantry instead!

Turmeric, the exotic herb used to flavor curries and spice up other Middle Eastern fare, appears to be a key ingredient that researchers suggest will soothe IBS symptoms.

Since many irritable bowel symptoms go undetected by doctors, sufferers need quick relief from the abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence and bloat associated with this functional disorder. But getting such a remedy will definitely require a bit more than a visit to your local grocer.

Researching Turmeric Curcumin: IBS Symptom Remedy?

The compound responsible for the turmeric plant’s potential remedy is an extract from the plant known as Curcumin.

Doctors believe that IBS symptoms occur because of inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. An eight-week pilot study of IBS patients demonstrated that Curcumin or turmeric extract offers an anti-inflammatory effect in the gut.1

At the same time, it increases bile flow from the liver and prevents the fermenting of undigested fats in the intestine, all processes which many doctors believe lead to the various symptoms common to the illness. In fact, patients participating in the study experienced up to a 50 percent decrease in abdominal discomfort and IBS symptoms. Their results occurred from taking 72 to 144 mg per day over an 8-week period.

Health Benefits of Curcumin Dietary Supplements

So while you may find turmeric to be a bit spicy on the tongue, this culinary spice from the ginger family may have the reverse effect once it enters your system – it actually soothes your internal organs.

While researchers evaluate curcumin for its efficacy in irritable bowel disease treatment, it also holds potential for treating a host of other ailments including leaky gut, ulcerative colitis, kidney disease, arthritis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

IBS dietary supplement CurcuminFortunately, you can obtain a much stronger form of turmeric extract than that found at spice merchants. Our patented C3 Curcumin Complex offers a bioactive formula that your body will easily absorb. Find it along with 3 other key formulas in our homeopathic Reverse IBS 30 Day Program. You’ll reduce internal inflammation and symptoms to get your life back to normal.

Any questions, please comment below.



1Bundy R, Walker AF, Middleton RW, Booth J. Turmeric extract may improve irritable bowel syndrome symptomology in otherwise healthy adults: a pilot study. J Altern Complement Med 20014; 10:10515-1018

What Is The Best Natural Medicine For IBS Relief

Top natural remedies for Irritable Bowel DisordersSimple Solutions to Relief From Cramps and Inconvenience of IBS

Have you been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome? Normal diet control not having the effect you desire? Are the cramps, gas and bloating getting worse instead of better? Then you need to get something more serious. The first thing that you need to do is watch the free video series starting on our home page. Follow the video series and discover solutions that helps with your condition. If you have already seen a medical expert and they have been unable to help you out, here are some remedies listed below.

These natural supplements are part of a proven program used by many people with results that have been better then helpful. Try them and see how they work out for you. At Irritable bowel remedies, we provide you with a 30 day holistic treatment program that is designed from 4 formulas. The aim is to help relieve the symptoms of IBS, so that you can live a healthy and completely happy, stress-free life.

IBS Synergy

IBS Synergy listed in more detail on our Reverse IBS page,  focuses on the health of your digestive system along with the gut-brain relationship. It affects the nervous system in order to keep the GI tract functioning properly. From the mouth to the large intestine, it betters all the systems so that your entire digestive tract is able to operate on optimum level.

Probiotic Synergy™

Probiotic Synergy combines 4 different phases containing numerous strains of probiotics. What this does is promote the production of good bacteria in both the small and large  intestines, meaning your digestive health remains safe. The capsule gets dissolved in the small intestine so that it can target the affected area. It is also good for the immune system.

GI Revive™

GI Revivee is perfect for the digestive system as it not only strengthens it, but also improves the functioning. What this means is that after the treatment, your gastrointestinal system would be able to get rid of the toxin production as well as absorb nutrients in a better manner. Consumers have the option of either taking GI Revive in the form of a capsule or powder dissolved in any liquid.

C3 Curcumin Complex

An antioxidant, C3 Curcumin Complex is great for your heart, colon and liver, as it rids the organs of free radicals.

The Easy 14 Day Detox Diet Program – Click Here To Learn More

2 very effective diets to consider if you’re suffering from constipation and diarrhea caused by IBS are a 14 and 28 day detox program. These simple programs include 2 smoothies per day and a gluten free meal. Very easy!

One of the key benefits of a detox program is the education you’ll receive about proper dieting. You’ll learn what works for you. Most CAM Wellness patients start with a 14 day program with tremendous results. They feel great, look great, even their skin and hair smell great. You will start to learn about inflammatory foods and how they affect you. In many cases dairy products are reduced or eliminated.

Within about 5 days many experience clear thoughts as if a fog was lifted. General wellness is achieved. Many CAM patients get such great results, they implement a 14 day detox program twice per year and a 28 day program twice per year. But the best result is being empowered to control your health over the long term with a program that works for you.

Combine a natural detoxification program with the products above and you will be on the path to a long term, constipation, diarrhea and cramp free life.

CAM Wellness Institute

CAM Wellness provides holistic solutions to chronic ailments including natural diet programs empowering people with the education needed to live a healthy, drug free life. Located in New Canaan Connecticut in the heart of Fairfield County, 1 hour from New York City.

Natural Remedies for Gastrointestinal Pain and IBS Disorders

IBD RemediesSolutions for Irritable Bowel Discomfort

Click Here for Video Series

Irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal disorders can become very painful if not treated in time. The pain can be gradual or you may experience it in the middle of the night. What should you do? Continue trying to get back to sleep or do something about it? When the cramps get too bad, you simply cannot ignore them. This is the reason why you should know some easy home remedies to treat the condition. Please understand that this in no way suggests that you should not get a proper checkup and have the IBS treated. These tips are for times when you are unable to visit your medical health expert and need some quick relief.

Home remedies are not harmful, so you can continue using them even when you are taking some medicine for your condition. Here are some easy, natural home remedies for your irritable bowel syndrome.

Let go of the spices

Spices need to be limited if you feel bloated, have excessive gas or . What these do is cause inflammation in your digestive system, thereby leading to a worsening of the condition. Try reducing them and you will see visible difference.

Add citrus fruits to diet

Citrus fruits not only contain vitamin C, they also are high in alkalinity. This neutralizes the effect of acids in your system and gives way to a happy gastrointestinal system. Limes, lemons, oranges are some of the citrus fruits that you can add to your daily diet. If you feel that the cramps are made, make a glass of lemonade, add some black pepper to it and drink up. You will notice visible difference within minutes.

Fiber it is

Fiber is your best friend if you have irritable bowel syndrome. Psyllium is what you need to load up on. You can take whole wheat products, as well as fruits and vegetables for this substance. There are also many fiber supplements available in the market that you can use.


Exercising is not only good for your irritable bowel syndrome condition, but will also help with weight loss and an active metabolic system. 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 days a week is what is recommended. You don’t have to go to the gym, just take a brisk walk, or participate in any physical activity that you enjoy. In due time, you will notice that your symptoms of IBS are reducing significantly.

Homeopathic Remedies to Relieve Intestinal and Abdominal Pain Associated with Irritable Bowel Conditions: Local Areas We Serve

CAM Wellness Institute run by Dr Gary Gruber is located in New Canaan Connecticut ( Fairfield County ) one hour from New York City.

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